More and more children are becoming inactive in the UK due to the development of technology. Children are now spending more time on their phones, in front of television screens or on their tablets rather than getting outside and being physically active. This is echoed by a staggering 87% of parents – who believe that technology has directly contributed to the decline in children’s exercise levels. (UK Active)
Public Health England report that when children aged 5-11 are physically active, 79% are more likely to feel happier, with 74% feeling more sociable and 72% feeling more confident. So why do children choose a games console over playing sport with their friends, when 93% of children said they like being active?
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Children may view school holidays as a time to switch off or relax, but without the two hours of curriculum PE guaranteed during school time – how will children get active? Sadly, the answer to this is that the majority will not. Only 23% of boys and 20% of girls actually meet the recommended levels of physical activity a day.
The Bugs Group are calling for a change and these trends to be reversed! There are many benefits to children for getting physically active and exercising. Not only are children that regularly exercise less likely to become overweight, they are also more likely to develop their confidence and improve their overall mental health and wellbeing.
Through FootieBugs, DanceBugs, YogaBugs and MultiBugs, The Bugs Group provide children with fun and engaging sports sessions. Our sessions help get children active and give them positive experiences of sport at a young age – making them more likely to continue to stay physically active and participate in sport!
The Bugs Group also run Holiday Camps during all school holidays – giving children the opportunity to get off the sofa, put their phones away and get active! Our FootieBugs, DanceBugs and MultiBugs Kids Holiday Camps in Solihull combine children’s favourite sporting activities with fun mini-games and matches/performances – with different themes every half-term!
The Holiday Camps run from 9:30am-3:30pm, making sure that children can not only reach, but surpass their recommended minimum daily activity levels as part of a healthy, balanced and active lifestyle!