Welcome to our PE / PPA page
We are excited to show you why we are leading the field by far, helping over 160+ schools across the UK and how we can work with you to make a positive impact to your schools Physical Education.

What are the benefits?
- We work in-line with your school’s needs
- To enable your staff to use their PPA time effectively
- Use and access to state of the art class plans
- We always provide professional minimum level 2 Teachers / Coaches
- Assessment based around the curriculum
- Teaching is stimulating and challenging, stemming from expert knowledge of the curriculum and a thorough understanding of how learners learn
- Sessions are planned so they meet the needs of the participants and are both progressive and appropriate
- Suitable equipment is provided and readily available
What is it?
Our Curriculum PE and PPA cover programmes offer a whole school approach with the children at the centre of everything we do. Our Sports and Physical Activity Educators possess the qualifications and skills to manage full classes of children, meeting the needs of all learners and coping with all behaviour needs.
This means you and your senior management team can be confident in the knowledge that they’ll be provided with a reliable, high quality, education-focused service that improves your pupils’ core skills, confidence and behaviour whilst consistently following best practice guidance on the effective use of agencies in PE and school sport.

What is involved?
- We pride ourselves on high standards of behaviour in our manner, use of language, punctuality, preparation and presentation
- Activities are provided which are well-matched to learners’ needs
- Ongoing and regular assessments are made, in order to help us review children’s progress
- We will provide verbal feedback to children in a manner which reflects care, honesty and respect
- We will follow the schools behaviour policy whilst making sure we apply it in a fair and consistent manner
- Our continued report monitoring allows the progress of each child to be accessible and made readily available any time.
- All our sessions encourage both independent and group work
- Sessions are freeze framed to make sure learning is broken down in stages so all abilities can progress
- A year’s assessments will be provided at the end of the School year to give an accurate representation of children’s progression throughout the year