Yogabugs virtual nursery header image

Bespoke nursery child development programme that supports the whole nurseries mental health & well-being

Designed bespoke for nurseries

Our pre-recorded virtual Yoga classes are delivered in HD and easy to access online through a dedicated nursery portal. Teachers will have access to 30 videos, mindfulness resources and training.

Classes are delivered through exciting stories and adventures that link to curriculum topics – keeping children engaged as they act out the story through yoga.


Classes are fun, engaging and interactive, with discussion points where the Virtual YogaBugs teacher will pass back to your teacher for the children to answer questions about the story/theme.

animated children marching from the "lets go on a bear hunt" story

Book a FREE trial!

What are the benefits to the nursery?

  • Teachers will learn techniques to manage stress

  • No yoga experience needed to run a class

  • Help towards achieving PE targets

  • All children can participate from £5 per class

  • Parents access for remote learning

What are the benefits to the children?

  • Help children manage their emotions

  • Improve children’s concentration

  • Build children’s self esteem

  • Improve children’s behaviour

  • Improve children’s balance, coordination & core strength

  • Children will feel calm & relaxed

a dragon flapping its wings
the three bears from the childrens story

What's included in the package?

✓ A year’s licence to run virtual YogaBugs in your nursery

 Access to 30 pre-recorded virtual YogaBugs sessions

Virtual mindfulness training and resources for staff and activities for children

 Online certificate templates for ‘star of the day’, ‘star of the term’, ‘most improved’, ‘best attitude’, 

Online library of all yoga poses

Parent Portal – access to YogaBugs videos, workshops and mindfulness resources

24 hour access to our support team for any questions

Report template to track children’s physical and emotional progression   

a storybook illustration showing characters from childrens stories
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